"The Venture Capital Industry and Entrepreneurship in China: Women in a Rapidly Growing Ecosystem”,

  4.10、Airbnb, DiDiなどに投資してきた中国の大手ベンチャーキャピタルGGVのRobinさん。中国の投資規模が、いずれ米国を追い抜く見込みであることを力強く語っていた。
 「日本のスタートアップや市場をどう見ているのか?」という質問をしたら、「地下鉄ICなど色々と極めて進んでいて、しっかりスタディしている。日本をスタディし、中国に導入を進め、そして次に米国に横展開できないかをよくアドバイスをしている。」と。日本に投資先ではしなくスタディ目的で、それはスケールしないから、と。"How much does this scale?"が最優先というのを改めて感じる機会でした。

US-ATMC’s “Entrepreneurship in Asian High-Tech Industries” Spring Seminar Series 
A.  "The Venture Capital Industry and Entrepreneurship in China: Women in a Rapidly Growing Ecosystem
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 | 4:30 – 5:50 pm
Skilling Auditorium, 494 Lomita Mall, Stanford University [Google Map][Parking Map]

Speaker: Robin Li, Vice President, GGV Capital

Robin Li is a vice president in GGV Capital’s Silicon Valley office.  She focuses on investments in ecommerce and consumer internet.  She is a member of the board of directors for Lively and is actively involved with Boxed, Bustle, Function of Beauty, musical.ly, Ibotta, OfferUp, Poshmark, Xiaohongshu, Yamibuy, and more.

Prior to joining GGV, Robin worked at Flextronics' Venture Arm covering hardware and technology investments and at Qiming's Beijing office. Before venture capital, she spent three years at Teach For America as a teacher and administrator.

Robin holds an M.B.A from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, an M.S. from Hunter College in Education and Special Education, and a B.A. from Rutgers University in Art History and Economics.

Open to the public at no charge.  Stanford students may register for 1-unit
seminar credit; course EASTASN-402T, cross listed as EE-402T and EALC-402T.
