CME 500: AI in Real Life

 CME 500は、主にGoogle社が協力して、スタンフォードのICMEなどがコーディネートする産学連携の印象的な講義だ。
 GoogleのJeff Dean氏をはじめ、Microsoft,Facebook, Airbnb, Netflixのディレクター級のリッチなスピーカーが招聘され、大学教員側が、論点を整えつつ、実際の実践内容を学生に伝える形式。学部生、大学院生、研究者が一緒に講義を受けて、取得単位も様々という柔軟さがある。

CME 500: Departmental Seminar
Special topic - Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Real Life: Senior industry technical leaders will share insights about how they are actively using artificial intelligence, applications of machine learning and deep learning in their organizations; will raise awareness about the challenges and unintended consequences of AI and address the interdisciplinary skills required to successfully implement AI solutions in their organizations. Speakers will share their vision for an AI future, and address student questions. Weekly speakers will come from many different fields and AI application areas.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 1 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit

2018-2019 Autumn

  • CME 500 | 1 units | Class # 18284 | Section 01 | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit | COL | Students enrolled: 209 
    09/24/2018 - 12/07/2018 Mon 4:30 PM - 5:50 PM at Hewlett Teaching Center 200 with Iaccarino, G. (PI) 
    Instructors: Iaccarino, G. (PI) 
